Randy Bernard, Chief Executive Officer of the PBR states, "The PBR has met with overwhelming hospitality during our discussions with Pueblo. The city has graciously made us feel very welcome and we know that this move is a positive step for our organization. I am very pleased to make this announcement and optimistic about what lies ahead. We are committed to being great neighbors and look forward to contributing to the community in many ways. I would also like to thank PEDCO as well as Tommy Giodone for being instrumental in this move."
In association with PEDCO (Pueblo Economic Development Corporation), the city of Pueblo has engineered efforts to attract booming industries such as the PBR. "This is a win-win for the city of Pueblo, PBR, and for members of the workforce seeking great opportunities in the entertainment/sports industry," stated Jim Spaccamonti, PEDCO President. He added his thanks to CEO of the PBR, Randy Bernard, and General Counsel Paul Hart, as well as special thanks to Tommy Giodone for bringing the PBR to PEDCO. PEDCO Chairman Jerry Thomas credited the PEDCO team of Board of Directors, the Greater Pueblo Chamber of Commerce, and the Latino Chamber of Commerce for their support in bringing the PBR to the community.
About PEDCO:
The Pueblo Economic Development Corporation (PEDCO) is a private, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of the Pueblo area to businesses and industries considering expansion or relocation. PEDCO has created over 16,414 new jobs for Pueblo citizens, and saved nearly as many. Since 1981, 60 companies have located or expanded to this southern Colorado city. PEDCO works closely with city, county and state elected officials who stand ready to ease the way for the relocation of new businesses and industries into the community thus diversifying Pueblo's economic climate.
About the PBR:
Over 100 million viewers tune in each year to the PBR on NBC, OLN and in Spanish on Telemundo. With over 450 hours of prime time programming annually PBR ranks among the most prolific sports on air, in addition to attracting over one million live event attendees each year with its multi-tiered event structure. The PBR's founding members and governing board of directors is comprised of celebrated bull riders of the past and present who have developed bull riding into a stand alone sport which is experiencing unprecedented growth in global popularity. The PBR is currently headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colo., and has over 600 athletes competing in more than 100 PBR sanctioned competitions. For additional information on the PBR visit www.pbrnow.com.
Media contacts:
Joan Acosta, PEDCO Director of Operations, 719.544.2000 or JAcosta@PEDCO.ORG
Denise Abbott, VP of PR & Marketing for the PBR, 719.471.3008, ext. 3144 or dabbott@mail2.pbrnow.com